Residue minimisation approach at Mansfields

15 June 2006
Mansfields are dedicated to seek ways to reducing environmental risks and reliance on pesticides. One of our aims is to reduce pesticide use and minimise residues by following the principles of Integrated Crop Management (ICM). ICM is a cropping strategy in which growers aim to conserve and enhance the environment whilst producing safe and wholesome food commercially.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a part of ICM and involves developing pest control strategies based on environmental control, biocontrol and the use of physical and chemical control agents. Much work has been done by Mansfields to keep the residues to a minimum and now we have conducted a residue free trial in one of our orchards growing Cox, Gala and Russet.
We are aiming to achieve residue free fruit by using the following methods:
1. Autumn applications in combination with a good husbandry like mowing or pulverising after leaf fall to facilitate rapid breakdown of leaves and other orchard litter- this should provide a good control of over-wintering pests and diseases
2. Scab and mildew programme through to petal fall, then reliance on organic compounds
3. Crop monitoring and timed insecticides- we are using pheromone traps to monitor the flight of Codling, Summer Fruit Tortrix and Fruit Tree Tortrix moths, to determine when the threshold for spraying is reached

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